Dan lowongan yang pakai email gratisan bisa lihat di sini, lebih hati-hati mengirimkan CV-nya yah, ga tau seperti contoh SCAM di sini or bukan :(
Bekerja salah satu tujuannya adalah untuk beribadah, maka carilah tempat ibadah yang cukup baik :)
Karena batasan dari Blogger cuma 50 posting/hari, maka gw buat blog lanjutannya di sini.

Feb 26, 2009

Fw: [Head-Hunter] Metrodata Group Lowongan Pekerjaan

------Original Message------
From: bismo praharto
Sender: Head-Hunter@yahoogroups.com
To: Head-Hunter@yahoogroups.com
To: bursa-karir@yahoogroups.com
To: plaza-lowongan@yahoogroups.com
ReplyTo: osobismo@yahoo.com
Subject: [Head-Hunter] Metrodata Group Lowongan Pekerjaan
Sent: Feb 18, 2009 17:16


Metrodata Group 
Urgently Required
1. Technical Support

* A degree in Computer Science or Information Technology
* Male / Female
* Min 1 year experience as Technical Support
* Knowledge  Server Maintenance Microsoft Server
* Able to Administering Intranet for system configuration
*  Knowledgeable in Windows 98 / 2000 / XP, Server, TCP/IP and LAN.
* Competent with Microsoft Office applications including Microsoft Project
* Have Microsoft Certified Professional or  CCNA ( more advantage )
* Ability to perform under pressure and tight time constraints; be able to work under limited guidance in line with a broad plan, or strategy
* Excellent team player, presentation, communication and interpersonal skills
* Customer relationship skills
* Fluent Speaking & Writing English
* Contract Based

2. Network Engginer

* A degree in Computer Science or Information Technology
* Knowledge  Server Maintenance Microsoft Server
* Able to Administering Intranet for system configuration
*  Knowledgeable in Windows 98 / 2000 / XP, Server, TCP/IP and LAN.
* Competent with Microsoft Office applications including Microsoft Project
* Have Microsoft Certified Professional or  CCNA / CCNP
* Ability to perform under pressure and tight time constraints; be able to work under limited guidance in line with a broad plan, or strategy
* Exp Min 1 years as Network Engginer & Single
* Excellent team player, presentation, communication and interpersonal skills
* Customer relationship skills
* Contract Based

If you think that you have qualifications such as above, please send your application enclosed with curriculum vitae and recent photograph to:
HRD Department - Metrodata Group
By email to:  <mailto:hr-outsourcing@metrodata.co.id> hr-outsourcing@metrodata.co.id or <mailto:bismo.praharto@metrodata.co.id> bismo.praharto@metrodata.co.id or AdminHR@metrodata. <mailto:AdminHR@metrodata.co.id> co.id

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Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. <http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=51438/*http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs>


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