Dan lowongan yang pakai email gratisan bisa lihat di sini, lebih hati-hati mengirimkan CV-nya yah, ga tau seperti contoh SCAM di sini or bukan :(
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Feb 22, 2009

Fw: [Head-Hunter] Vacancy for Senior Programmer and System Analyst

------Original Message------
From: Wahyu Kurniawan
Sender: Head-Hunter@yahoogroups.com
To: Head-Hunter@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Head-Hunter] Vacancy for Senior Programmer and System Analyst
Sent: Feb 19, 2009 17:48

Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4
Founded on 1993, PT. Profescipta Wahanatehnik ( <http://www.profescipta.com/> www.profescipta.com) belongs to a holding company PT. Karya Titan (www.ktitan.com <http://www.ktitan.com/> ), which has other subsidiary companies in various industries such as construction, hotels, food processing, trading, and properties. Profescipta was established in 2001 as a spin-off from PT. Karya Titan, to leverage IT expertise and experience in development and project management since 1993 and deployed in over 50 installations. Profescipta helps over 50 companies local and international in building their custom business applications and online solutions. PT. Profescipta Wahanatehnik is a technology consulting and software development company. We provide decision support system application development, online marketing applications to support your business operation.
Currently we need a Professional to fill candidate:
General Requirement:
- Able to take on responsibility as well as being an active team player
- Willingness to learn and fast to absorb new knowledge
- High attention to detail
- Able to work in team, under pressure and tight deadline
- Good communication skills are essential
Specific Requirement:
- Female/Male, Max 30 years old
- Min 2 years exp in .NET Programming (C# or VB.NET)
- Min 2 years exp in ASP.NET Programming
- Min 2 years exp in SQL Programming (T-SQL)
- Can manage team member
- Good analytical skills
- Good presentation skills
- Strong algorithm skill
- Having knowledge in ERP Application
Range Salary:
IDR 3.500.000 – 4.500.000
SYSTEM ANALYST – SA (3 position)
- Female/Male, Max 30 years old
- Having experience in IT project / SDLC project
- Having ability to create documentation
- Have good knowledge in English both written and oral
- Good analytical skills
- Good presentation skills
- Familiar with SQL Server
Range Salary:
IDR 2.500.000 – 3.500.000

If you meet requirements above, please email us your comprehensive resume & recent photograph before Feb, 27th 2009 to:
wahyu.kurniawan @ profescipta . com
Phone: 021-8580515

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