Dan lowongan yang pakai email gratisan bisa lihat di sini, lebih hati-hati mengirimkan CV-nya yah, ga tau seperti contoh SCAM di sini or bukan :(
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Feb 22, 2009

Fw: [Head-Hunter] Vacancy Senior Legal Counsel - Corporate Secretary

------Original Message------
From: careeradvance10
Sender: Head-Hunter@yahoogroups.com
To: Head-Hunter@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Head-Hunter] Vacancy Senior Legal Counsel - Corporate Secretary
Sent: Feb 20, 2009 12:48

Dear all,

Our client, a multinational company is urgently seeking:


* Min. 5 years Legal Counsel experience
* Good communication & negotiation skills

Scope of Work:
- Making agreements either for business units order that the signing
can run well;
- Carrying out general meeting of shareholders so that it is able to
bring about/raise RUPS official document;
- Coordinating with Wali Amanat related to the position of company as
bond publishing house;
- Giving legal advise generally related to all economic activity
processes of company so that legal opinion can be achieved;
- Implementing and keeping law-abiding/legal compliance related to
the company's capacity as emiten obligation to fix over or update
capital market line applied;
- Coordinating legal due diligence example for loan creditors (Asian
Development Bank etc.) to provide complete due diligence documents to
- Cooperating with stakeholder however it is unlimited only on the
company, BAPEPAM, INDONESIA BURSARY EFFECT, PJT II, bond holder, wali
amanat, etc to take further steps on request of stakeholders;
- Coordinating with external lawyer when it is particularly related to
the company's cases, to review and discuss with external lawyer,
linking to answers either in the court or legal advises;
- Negotiating with related departments to provide fresh water (for
instance with Benteng PDAM) for agreement on water supply;
- Giving subordinates direction both by performance review result and
management development in order to give efficient and effective
assistance or a step in the right direction to solve problems as fast
as possible.

Please send your resume to: careeradvance@ <mailto:careeradvance%40cbn.net.id> cbn.net.id

Only shortlisted candidates will be notified


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