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Oct 31, 2008

Fw: [Indo-Job] Work & Travel Summer 2009 For Student

From: Nache Indonesia <nache.indonesia@yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 20:34:17 -0700 (PDT)
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Subject: [Indo-Job] Work & Travel Summer 2009 For Student






Work & Travel USA programme is an exchange visitor programme that enables foreign university students to gain a greater understanding of the United States by providing them an opportunity to work and travel in the United States. Participants have a unique chance to experience life and culture in theU.S. as more than just tourists and to share their own traditions and culture with people from the U.S., as well as other international students. During summer holiday periods; overseas participants are able to work side by side with their U.S. counterparts at temporary entry - level jobs. This programme is designed to achieve the educational objectives of international exchange by directly involving students in the daily life of the country during their summer holiday. It allows the participant to earn modest spending money and, at the same time, offset some living and travel expenses during their stay in the U.S. After finishing their work commitment, students have an optional travel period to sightsee and further explore the American landscape. An unforgettable summer awaits you. You will be able to use both your work time and free time to enjoy yourself and increase your knowledge of U.S. culture.





Find information details at :


PT NACHE Indonesia
New Age Cultural Hospitality Exchange Indonesia

Wisma Dharma Fiskal

Jalan Cawang Baru Tengah No.3

Jakarta Timur

Phone & Fax: +62.21.851 6713 / +62.21.3290 6467

Email: usa@nache-indonesia.com











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