Dan lowongan yang pakai email gratisan bisa lihat di sini, lebih hati-hati mengirimkan CV-nya yah, ga tau seperti contoh SCAM di sini or bukan :(
Bekerja salah satu tujuannya adalah untuk beribadah, maka carilah tempat ibadah yang cukup baik :)
Karena batasan dari Blogger cuma 50 posting/hari, maka gw buat blog lanjutannya di sini.

May 17, 2008

Fw: http://www.jobislands.net Marketing Officer PT. NISP Sekuritas


-----Original Message-----
From: NISP Sekuritas <nisp_sekuritas@yahoo.com>

Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 02:35:46
To:vacancy@yahoogroups.com, indojob@yahoogroups.com, bursakarir@yahoogroups.com, bursa_kerja@yahoogroups.com, info_lowongan_kerja@yahoogroups.com, buletinlowongan@yahoogroups.com, tenagakerja@yahoogroups.com, head-hunter@yahoogroups.com, bursa-lowongan@yahoogroups.com, duniakerja@yahoogroups.com, iklankerja@yahoogroups.com, kesempatan-kerja@yahoogroups.com, indonesia_headhunter@yahoogroups.com, Job-vacancy@yahoogroups.com, lowongan_kerja@yahoogroups.com, list@infolowongan.com, talentpoolindonesia@yahoo.com, lowongankerja@egroups.com, cari_kerja@egroups.com
Subject: http://www.jobislands.net Marketing Officer PT. NISP Sekuritas

Kesempatan berkarir sebagai profesional

PT. NISP Sekuritas merupakan sebuah perusahaan finansial dengan skala nasional yang juga merupakan anak perusahaan dari Bank NISP. Dalam usaha untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kepada para nasabah serta mendukung pertumbuhan perusahaan, PT. NISP Sekuritas mengundang para profesional muda yang dinamis, berdedikasi tinggi, serta menyukai tantangan untuk bergabung sebagai :


1. Pendidikan minimal S1
2. IPK min 2,75
3. Usia Max 28 Th
4. Berpenampilan menarik
5. Diutamakan yang sudah memiliki pengalaman di bidang marketing
6. Menyukai kegiatan marketing dan memiliki keinginan untuk berprestasi
7. Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi dan presentasi yang baik
8. Mudah bergaul, supel dan mudah beradaptasi
9. Untuk penempatan di Kebon Jeruk, Mangga Dua, dan Bekasi.

1. Gaji Pokok
2. Komisi
3. Jenjang Karier yang menjanjikan
4. Tunjangan Kesehatan & Hari Raya

Bagi anda yang berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan diatas, segera kirimkan CV dan surat lamaran anda disertai foto ke recruitment@ <mailto:recruitment%40nispsekuritas.com> nispsekuritas.com atau ke :
Puri Imperium Building
Office Plaza Unit LG 40
Jl. Kuningan Madya Kav 5 – 6
Jakarta 12980

Cantumkan kode posisi disudut kiri amplop.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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Fw: http://www.jobislands.net Vacancy - Supervisor Produksi


-----Original Message-----
From: "peakexecutive" <peakexecutive@yahoo.com>

Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 08:44:34
Subject: http://www.jobislands.net Vacancy - Supervisor Produksi


Klien kami, sebuah perusahaan manufaktur dari Jepang,memproduksi
komponen peralatan printer yang berlokasi di Kawasan Industri EJIP
Bekasi, , saat ini sedang membuka peluang besar kepada calon-calon
potensial untuk memperkuat tim produksi mereka dalam kapasitas


Pemangku jabatan ini bertanggungjawab langsung kepada Manager
Produksi untuk memastikan lancarnya proses produksi


• Pria berusia maksimal 30 tahun
• Pendidikan minimal S-1 dibidang Teknik
• Pengalaman minimal 1–3 tahun pada posisi sejenis
• Diutamakan yang dapat berbahasa Jepang

Bagi kandidat yang terpilih, akan mendapat kesempatan untuk
pengembangan karir. Email segera surat lamaran Anda ke

Wisma Tendean Lt. 4
Jl. Kapten P. Tendean No. 7
recruitment@ <mailto:recruitment%40peak-executive.com> peak-executive.com


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Fw: http://www.jobislands.net Vacancy Opening : Marketing Executive


-----Original Message-----
From: "marc.antz" <marc.antz@yahoo.com>

Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 08:41:02
Subject: http://www.jobislands.net Vacancy Opening : Marketing Executive

Vacancy Opening untuk Marketing Executive Dabu Dabu Restoran, sebagai berikut:

Job Requirements:
1. Diploma as minimum education degree
2. Have basic knowledge in Marketing
3. Good interpersonal and communication skills
4. A good presenter
5. Computer literate (Windows and MS Office)
6. High level of competency in MS Office such as MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint
7. Fluent in English both reading and writing
8. Male or Female between 23 to 30 years of age
9. Have at least 2 year experience in sales marketing to corporate and group
10. Team player with high commitment, customer satisfaction and target oriented, highly
motivated, and hard

Job Descriptions:
a. Do the market research as well the sales activity
b. Providing and preparing information to get the right target market
c. Creating sales plan with the execution implementation
d. Being a company representative with high profile commitment
e. Creating report to supervisor/board of director as part of the working progress process
f. Proactive and solution driven person
g. Cheerful and grateful

Harap Kirimkan lamaran ke anthony@dabu- <mailto:anthony%40dabu-dabu.com> dabu.com
atau hubungi 081808623007


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Fw: http://www.jobislands.net Vacancy: TRAINING MANAGER


-----Original Message-----
From: WESMIRA CONSULTANT <servicesrecruitment@yahoo.com>

Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 07:36:36
Subject: http://www.jobislands.net Vacancy: TRAINING MANAGER

We are a consultant company, WESMIRA CONSULTANT, is looking for qualified person to our client's company, to fill the position of:


About The Company:
Our client is a international branded cosmetics and perfume distributor, located at Central Jakarta, with below responsibilities and qualifications:

§ Coordinate with Brand Manager of making work plan.
§ Responsible of recruitment process and interview of Beauty Consultant.
§ Deliver training to Beauty Consultant about product knowledge and new product.
§ Making evaluation and reporting result of training process to Brand Manager.
§ Willing to work on holiday and out of town, especially on launching product events and/or promotion.
§ Arrange beauty workshop or gathering at hotel regularly.

Qualification of Successful Candidate:
§ Female, maximum age 33.
§ Preferable able to speak Mandarin
§ Bachelor Degree, prefer from Educational or Psychology Faculty
§ Excellent skill in English, both oral and written
§ Have ability to transfer knowledge, teaching, motivate and build the teamwork, deliver training
§ Strong skill in interpersonal, communication and leadership
§ Flexible in working as a team and individual
§ Minimum 2 years working experience in the same field

Kindly email your resume (attached with photo) to:
cvposting@wesmira. <mailto:cvposting%40wesmira.com> com AND cvpostingwesmira@ <mailto:cvpostingwesmira%40yahoo.com> yahoo.com
with details of present salary, expected salary and notice period

http://www.wesmira. <http://www.wesmira.com> com

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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Fw: http://www.jobislands.net Vacancy - Legal Staff


-----Original Message-----
From: dailya vestarina <daily_hrd@yahoo.com>

Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 21:57:56
To:"1st_vacancy-lowongan@yahoogroups.com" <1st_vacancy-lowongan@yahoogroups.com>, "aneka-lowongan@yahoogroups.com" <aneka-lowongan@yahoogroups.com>, "Bisnis-Karir@yahoogroups.com" <Bisnis-Karir@yahoogroups.com>, "buletinlowongan@yahoogroups.com" <buletinlowongan@yahoogroups.com>, "bursakarir@yahoogroups.com" <bursakarir@yahoogroups.com>, "communicationsindonesia@yahoogroups.com" <communicationsindonesia@yahoogroups.com>, "dunia-kerja@yahoogroups.com" <dunia-kerja@yahoogroups.com>, "duniakarir@yahoogroups.com" <duniakarir@yahoogroups.com>, "fresher_for_jobs@yahoogroups.com" <fresher_for_jobs@yahoogroups.com>, "iklankerja@yahoogroups.com" <iklankerja@yahoogroups.com>, "indo-job@yahoogroups.com" <indo-job@yahoogroups.com>, "indokarir@yahoogroups.com" <indokarir@yahoogroups.com>, "indonesia_headhunter@yahoogroups.com" <indonesia_headhunter@yahoogroups.com>, "info_lowongan_kerja@yahoogroups.com" <info_lowongan_kerja@yahoogroups.com>, "info_peluang_kerja@yahoogroups.com" <info_peluang_kerja@yahoogroups.com>, "jakarta-lowongan@yahoogroups.com" <jakarta-lowongan@yahoogroups.com>, "Job-Carrier@yahoogroups.com" <Job-Carrier@yahoogroups.com>, "job-vacancy@yahoogroups.com" <job-vacancy@yahoogroups.com>, "job_vacancy@yahoogroups.com" <job_vacancy@yahoogroups.com>, "kesempatan-kerja@yahoogroups.com" <kesempatan-kerja@yahoogroups.com>, "lowongan-admin@yahoogroups.com" <lowongan-admin@yahoogroups.com>, "lowongan-beasiswa@yahoogroups.com" <lowongan-beasiswa@yahoogroups.com>, "lowongan-freshgraduate@yahoogroups.com" <lowongan-freshgraduate@yahoogroups.com>, "lowongan-salesmarketing@yahoogroups.com" <lowongan-salesmarketing@yahoogroups.com>, "lowongan@yahoogroups.com" <lowongan@yahoogroups.com>, "lowongan_kerja_indonesia@yahoogroups.com" <lowongan_kerja_indonesia@yahoogroups.com>, "lowongankristen@yahoogroups.com" <lowongankristen@yahoogroups.com>, "lowonganNet@yahoogroups.com" <lowonganNet@yahoogroups.com>, "pekerjabank@yahoogroups.com" <pekerjabank@yahoogroups.com>, "plaza-lowongan@yahoogroups.com" <plaza-lowongan@yahoogroups.com>, "recruitment@yahoogroups.com" <recruitment@yahoogroups.com>, "vacancy@yahoogroups.com" <vacancy@yahoogroups.com>, "aksek_tarakanita@yahoogroups.com" <aksek_tarakanita@yahoogroups.com>, "alumni_akses@yahoogroups.com" <alumni_akses@yahoogroups.com>, "asekma_db@yahoogroups.com" <asekma_db@yahoogroups.com>, "ASMI@yahoogroups.com" <ASMI@yahoogroups.com>, "milis-sekretaris@yahoogroups.com" <milis-sekretaris@yahoogroups.com>, "problema-sekretaris@yahoogroups.com" <problema-sekretaris@yahoogroups.com>, "sekretar1s@yahoogroups.com" <sekretar1s@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: http://www.jobislands.net Vacancy - Legal Staff

Globe Media Group which runs businesses in Media Newspapers and Magazines, such as Investor Daily, Investor Magazine, Globe Asia Magazine, Campus Asia Magazine, is looking for potential personnel to build career in one of our company in media business for the following positions:

STAF LEGAL Requirements:

Bachelor degree from Law from reputable university
Have minimum 1 year experience in the corporate law
Strong analytical skill and high attention to detail
Familiarity with corporate legal
Have a good computer skills (Ms. Office, Power Point, Ms Excel)
Fluent in English, both written and oral
Good communication and interpersonal skill
It will be placed on our Office in Semanggi area

Please send your application letter, recent resume & photograph (4x6), and all other Document important to support your application, not later than 23 May 2008, to:



Graha Investor

Jl. Padang No. 19-21 Manggarai

Jakarta 12970

Or send your e-mail to:

damayanti@investor. <mailto:damayanti%40investor.co.id> co.id

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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Fw: [plaza-lowongan] Job vacancy: Test Specialist


-----Original Message-----
From: "comfam24" <comfam24@yahoo.com>

Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 19:26:43
Subject: [plaza-lowongan] Job vacancy: Test Specialist

Plaza-Lowongan, khusus untuk iklan lowongan kerja. Sebutkan dengan jelas perusahaan anda, kwalifikasi dan benefit yang anda tawarkan. Ingin Posting langsung masuk ? Baca http://mufli.com/lowongan-kerja.html . Untuk iklan non Lowongan kerja seperti iklan mlm, peluang bisnis, dan sebagainya silahkan ke Iklan 100 Level dimana iklan dapat nempel terus: http://iklan.carasukses.com atau iklan di Plaza http://iklan.plazabisnis.com


Test Specialist

Position Description:
We are looking for test specialist to join our hi-tech service company
in Jakarta,
Indonesia. Our company has a partnership with international company
based in
Finland. The product/solution is currently being implemented together
with R&D team
in Finland. The team in Indonesia and Finland consists of excellent
experts for
developing all required elements of server and mobile client.

Joining the team, as test specialist, you will be responsible for the
testing on the server side, client side and the End-to-End. Attend the
project meetings, create test plan, design test cases, test execution
& reporting,
the error reporting & root cause analysis, communicates own test
progress and
potential problems/risks to the R&D manager. The testing tasks may
include test tool
design and implementation if required. Ensuring that the product meet
the technical
and quality requirement including high usability, simplicity and good

In addition to this, you may be required to work in the project with
our clients,
both located in Indonesia and overseas. Working with us certainly will
provide you
the chance to grow and gain professional experience in the area of
hi-tech (telecom
/ web service) products or solutions.

• BSc or MSc in computer and/or telecom engineering
• Min 2-3 years of relevant experience
• Competence in mobile client, server, E2E service, web technology is
a must
• Attention to detail, critical to issues, systematic, quality mindset
• Selfstarter, proactive, cooperative and flexible
• Fluent in English, both in spoken and written form
• Familiar with C/C++, Java J2ME & J2EE, Javascript, SQL, web
technology is preferred
• Knowledge of testing process, tool and test automation is a plus

Please send your application with expected salary, CV and other
relevant documents
by email to: careers@findaroundme.com

Note: only shortlisted candidates will be notified.


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Fw: [plaza-lowongan] Job vacancy: SW Development Specialist


-----Original Message-----
From: "comfam24" <comfam24@yahoo.com>

Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 19:25:23
Subject: [plaza-lowongan] Job vacancy: SW Development Specialist

Plaza-Lowongan, khusus untuk iklan lowongan kerja. Sebutkan dengan jelas perusahaan anda, kwalifikasi dan benefit yang anda tawarkan. Ingin Posting langsung masuk ? Baca http://mufli.com/lowongan-kerja.html . Untuk iklan non Lowongan kerja seperti iklan mlm, peluang bisnis, dan sebagainya silahkan ke Iklan 100 Level dimana iklan dapat nempel terus: http://iklan.carasukses.com atau iklan di Plaza http://iklan.plazabisnis.com


SW Development Specialist

Position Description:
We are looking for SW development specialist to join our hi-tech
service company in
Jakarta, Indonesia. Our company has a partnership with international
company based
in Finland. The product/solution is currently being implemented
together with R&D
team in Finland. The team in Indonesia and Finland consists of
excellent experts for
developing all required elements of server and mobile client.

Joining the team, as SW development specialist, you will be
responsible for the SW
implementation on the server and client side. Attend the weekly
project meetings,
fixing the errors, communicates own SW module progress and potential
to the R&D manager, and the SW module testing. Ensuring that the SW is
& tested according to the technical requirements, high usability,
simplicity and
quality requirements.

In addition to this, you may be required to work in the project with
our clients,
both located in Indonesia and overseas. Working with us certainly will
provide you
the chance to grow and gain professional experience in the area of
hi-tech (telecom
/ web service) products/solutions.

• BSc or MSc in computer and/or telecom engineering
• Min 2-3 years of relevant experience
• Competence in C/C++, Java J2ME & J2EE, Javascript, SQL, web
technology is a must
• Selfstarter, proactive, cooperative and flexible
• Fluent in English, both in spoken and written form
• Knowledge of SW development process & tool is a plus

Please send your application with expected salary, CV and other
relevant documents
by email to: careers@findaroundme.com

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Fw: [plaza-lowongan] Lowongan bagi yang menyukai travelling


-----Original Message-----
From: anton pensil <anton_pensil@yahoo.com>

Date: Tue, 13 May 2008 23:25:21
Subject: [plaza-lowongan] Lowongan bagi yang menyukai travelling

Plaza-Lowongan, khusus untuk iklan lowongan kerja. Sebutkan dengan jelas perusahaan anda, kwalifikasi dan benefit yang anda tawarkan. Ingin Posting langsung masuk ? Baca http://mufli.com/lowongan-kerja.html . Untuk iklan non Lowongan kerja seperti iklan mlm, peluang bisnis, dan sebagainya silahkan ke Iklan 100 Level dimana iklan dapat nempel terus: http://iklan.carasukses.com atau iklan di Plaza http://iklan.plazabisnis.com


Job Title : Training Organizer

Job Specification : Melakukan persiapan, mengorganisir dan memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada klient dalam penyelenggaraan training perusahaan.

Job Description :

1. Melakukan koordinasi dan mempersiapan tempat untuk penyelenggaraan training perusahaan. pada saat dan tempat penyelenggaraan yang telah ditentukan

2. Mengatur koordinasi kesiapan pengajar terkait dengan kesiapan materi, jadwal dan kebutuhan peralatan terkait dengan materi yang akan disajikan.

3. Mengatur kesiapan peserta terkait dengan kesiapan jadwal, tansportasi, akomodasi, administrasi dan persiapan lainnya yang berkaitan dengan penyelenggaraan dan service selama penyelenggaraan.

4. Mempersiapkan kebutuhan teknis dan administratif yang berkaitan dengan alat, atribut dan pendukung kelancaran penyelenggaraan training.

5. Memandu dan mengawasi pelaksanaan training selama penyelenggaraan berlangsung agar berjalan dengan lancar dan sukses.

6. Menggali kebutuhan peserta training dalam upaya peningkatan pelayanan dalam penyelenggaraan training.

7. Sebagai duta perusahaan dalam menyampaikan informasi kepada peserta dan menjaga nama baik perusahaan.

8. Melaporkan hasil penyelenggaraan training dan kendala-kendala yang dihadapi.

Personal Requirement :

1. Usia
Wanita waksimal berusia 26 tahun pada 1 Mei 2008.

2. Education
Minimal telah menyelesaikan program pendidikan Diploma 3 (Fresh Graduate), khususnya yang terkait dengan bidang management, pariwisata atau perhotelan dengan minimum GPA 2.75

3. Good Looking
Wanita berpenampilan menarik, rapi dan sopan baik sesuai dengan profesinya sebagai wakil perusahaan.

4. Traveler
Menyukai perjalanan dan siap melakukan perjalanan sesuai dengan tempat penyelenggaraan dan jadwal yang telah ditentukan oleh perusahaan.

5. Friendly
Mampu menjalin hubungan baik dengan stakeholders yang terlibat dalam penyelenggaraan serta memiliki kemampuan untuk beradaptasi dengan baik.

6. Energic / Tough
Mampu dan siap untuk melakukan persiapan dan melaksanakan pekerjaan dengan cekatan dan tangguh serta dapat dalam menghadapi dan mengatasi segala permasalahan yang timbul selama masa persiapan dan penyelenggaraan.

7. Entertainer
Memiliki kemampuan dalam memberian pelayanan terbaik kepada seluruh stakeholders terkait dengan prinsip kepuasan pelanggan sesuai dengan ketentuan perusahaan.

8. Entrepreneurship
Mampu membaca dan membuka peluang untuk mempertahankan loyalitas pelanggan dan peraihan pelanggan baru.

9. Good Attitude
Memiliki kelakuan baik sesuai dengan norma kesopanan yang berlaku dalam masyarakat serta mampu menjaga wibawa dan nama baik perusahaan dan diri pribadi.

10. Smart
Tanggap dan cekatan dalam menyikapi keadaan terkait dengan persiapan dan pelaksanaan tugas di lapangan.

11. Detail
Memiliki ketelitian yang baik dalam mengidentifikasi kebutuhan dan resiko yang mungkin timbul serta mampu memberikan informasi lengkap dalam bentuk laporan tertulis sebagai informasi yang mendukung pengambilan keputusan manajemen.

12. Learner
Memiliki kemauan yang kuat untuk selalu mengembangkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan baik secara formal yang disediakan/disetujui perusahaan maupun secara informal.

13. Problem Solver
Mempu menyelesaikan setiap permasalahan teknis, administratif maupun birokratif yang timbul selama masa persiapan maupun penyelenggaraan.

Bagi yang sesuai dengan kualifikasi diatas dapat mengirimkan comprehensive resume disertai foto terbaru (Dalam MS Word format and tidak lebih 250 KB)
to: tripillar@cbn.net.id dengan subject "Training Organizer". Penutupan dilakukan tanggal 21 Mei 2008.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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Fw: [JobUGM] Vacant position : untuk Lulusan S1 Teknik Arsitektur/Sipil


-----Original Message-----
From: "Dwi Astuti Irenaningtyas" <dwi.astuti.irenaningtyas@iso.astra.co.id>

Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 18:08:25
Subject: [JobUGM] Vacant position : untuk Lulusan S1 Teknik Arsitektur/Sipil

Dear rekan-rekan milis,

mohon dibantu untuk disebarkan



PT Astra International - Isuzu Sales Operation, a sole distributor for ISUZU Product, is seeking for dynamic and highly qualified person who are willing to conquer challenges and grow with us for the position as :

Building Construction & Maintenance Officer

Responsible for controlling & maintenance all branches, renovation project, new outlet project and fascia project.


University degree from architecture or civil background , with 3 years experience in building construction and maintance. Mature person with maximum age 30 year, sharp analytical skill, integrity, dynamic personality, excellent communication and good interpersonal skill.

If you feel you're qualified, please forward your application letter along with your CV, academic transcript, recent photo and contact number within 2 (two) weeks to :


All application will be treated strictly confidential.

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



Transfer ke BCA Cab. UGM R/k 037 235 5296 a/n Dian Mentari.
Fax NAMA, ALAMAT KIRIM, BUKTI TRANSFER ke 0274-566171 atau via pos ke:
Perumahan Dosen UGM Bulaksumur B-21, Yogyakarta 55281.
Hub. Titi 0815 790 1926, atau Vera 0856 293 5807


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Fw: [Indo-Job] info lowongan : Accounting


-----Original Message-----
From: "the jajs" <the.jajs@gmail.com>

Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 11:52:32
To:Nongkrong_bareng@yahoogroups.com, vacancy@yahoogroups.com, Indo-job@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Indo-Job] info lowongan : Accounting

Dear all..,

Perusahaan PMA yang sedang berkembang membuka lowongan kerja sebagai :


dengan persyaratan/kriteria sebagai berikut

- Laki-laki
- Minimal S1 Accounting / Pajak
- Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun

Lamaran dan CV ke : yskim@silvertex.co.kr <mailto:yskim@silvertex.co.kr>

Terlalu banyak email?

Kirimkan 1 email kosong ke :
Indo-Job-digest@yahoogroups.com <-- 1 email rangkuman saja perhari.
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Organisasi non-profit Indonesian Production and Operations Management
Society (IPOMS)- Turut Memajukan SDM dan Industri Indonesia.

http://www.ipoms.or.id <http://www.ipoms.or.id>

Ingin mendaftar mailing list IPOMS dan belajar manajemen produksi/operasi/kualitas/supply chain? Kirimkan email ke


Mendaftar lewat web di bawah lebih dianjurkan untuk mempercepat proses

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Fw: [vacancy] Vacant position : RESEARCH MANAGER


-----Original Message-----
From: "diazalea" <diazalea@yahoo.com>

Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 08:01:56
Subject: [vacancy] Vacant position : RESEARCH MANAGER

Dear all…

Thank you for your kind attention to this advertisement

Best Regards,

is currently seeking qualified candidates as


· Candidate must possess at least Master Degree in Management or
Marketing (with Statistics/ Mathematics background)
· Minimum 3 (three) years of working experience in research field
· Familiar with methods & statistical tools
· Fluent in English

Please send your complete resume with a recent photograph to:



Taman Tanah Abang III/ 23
Jakarta 10160

Closing date: May 31, 2008


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Fw: [vacancy] Vacancy Branch Manager - Medan


-----Original Message-----
From: "careeradvance10" <careeradvance10@yahoo.com>

Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 07:37:07
Subject: [vacancy] Vacancy Branch Manager - Medan


Dear all,

Our client, a Foreign Financial Institutions located in Medan is
urgently looking for:


- Male / Female
- Min. 3-5 years experience in Managerial level
- Must be able to communicate in English and Hokkien is preferred
- Service oriented
- Good knowledge in Marketing field
- Bachelor degree or S1
- Suitable industry: Banking, Financial, Consumer Goods, Leasing

Please submit your resume to: careeradvance@cbn.net.id


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Fw: [vacancy] Vacancy Banking - Relationship Manager


-----Original Message-----
From: "careeradvance10" <careeradvance10@yahoo.com>

Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 07:36:39
Subject: [vacancy] Vacancy Banking - Relationship Manager



Our client, a Foreign Bank in Jakarta (Head Office), seeking an
Relationship Manager,

with the following qualifications:

* Min. 3-5 years experience in relationship management in Banking
* Must be able to communicate in English fluently
* Background: Banking (Corporate, Commercial / SME)
* Bachelor degree
* Good writing skills

Please submit your resume to: careeradvance@cbn.net.id


34000+ members and counting.
No Spam. No Ads. No Bull. Just plain job posts.
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Fw: [vacancy] Vacancy Credit Controller / AR Assistant Manager


-----Original Message-----
From: "careeradvance10" <careeradvance10@yahoo.com>

Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 07:36:12
Subject: [vacancy] Vacancy Credit Controller / AR Assistant Manager


Dear All,

Our client, a leading Multinational Computer Manufacturer in Jakarta
is urgently looking



- Male/Female
- Max. 40 years old
- Must be able to communicate in English
- Min. 2 years experience in Financing Company; experience in
Consumer Finance,

Banking or Financial Services as Credit Contoller
- Background: Any Business Line
- Bachelor Degree

Please submit your resume to: careeradvance@cbn.net.id


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Fw: [vacancy] Vacancy Senior Training Manager


-----Original Message-----
From: "careeradvance10" <careeradvance10@yahoo.com>

Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 07:35:43
Subject: [vacancy] Vacancy Senior Training Manager

Dear all,

Our client, a Foreign Financial Institutions in Jakarta is urgently
seeking for the following



• Min. 5 years in Training and Career Development & Talent
Development; and minimum

3 years in managerial level
• Max. 45 years old
• Suitable industry: Banking is preferred
• Bachelor degree
• English skills is a must
• Have experience in competency based people development; sound
understanding of

organizational behavior

Please submit your resume to: careeradvance@cbn.net.id

Only the shortlisted candidate will be contacted


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Fw: [vacancy] In Engineer


-----Original Message-----
From: "HRD" <hrd@dutagriyasarana.com>

Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 14:21:05
To:"vacancy" <vacancy@yahoogroups.com>, "Diskusi-HRD" <Diskusi-HRD@yahoogroups.com>, "Job-Vacancy" <Job-Vacancy@yahoogroups.com>, "IndoCareer" <IndoCareer@yahoogroups.com>, "indojob" <indojob@yahoogroups.com>, "lowongan-manager" <lowongan-manager@yahoogroups.com>, "SDM-Utama" <SDM-Utama@yahoogroups.com>, "hrm-club" <HRM-Club@yahoogroups.com>, "infolowongan" <infolowongan@yahoo.com>, "sintesa-resourcing" <sintesa-resourcing@yahoogroups.com>
Cc:"Ibu Lia" <lia@dutagriyasarana.com>, "Ibu Inda" <idhasman@dutagriyasarana.com>
Subject: [vacancy] In Engineer

Our client, a well know telecommunication company, has vacancies for some positions in Kuala Lumpur malaysia


JoB description

1 (1)

NSN CMO/Services/NI/APAC South

Murat Oezmen

Position Title:
Charging Gateway Engineer

Position Description:
The Engineer is responsible for the following in Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) IN Project.

- Configure, test and document the FlexiISN 3.0 SA-CDR as input to CG 4.3 and NICD Release 3.0 as output from CG 4.3 to Customer Mediation platform (ie. Comptel Eventlink. Comptel must participate in the requirement session of manipulating the NICD Release 3.0 CDR based on Customer requirements (ie. what fields to be included and excluded in NICD Release 3.0 CDR output).

- Perform internal SAT for CG 4.3 (within NSN team) together with local Technical Engineer/Architect. The deliverables is to be able to see SA-CDR from FlexiISN in the format of NICD Release 3.0 format generated by CG 4.3 for postpaid subscribers and Customer Mediation platform (ie. Comptel Eventlink) should be able to transfer (via FTP) the NICD Release 3.0 CDR from CG 4.3 at an agree time interval in second/minute.

- Support UAT (in the area of CG 4.3 for NICR Release 3.0 CDR) when Customer team performing services testing of all their Streaming, MMS, Internet and WAP services based on the FlexiISN 3.0's Service Flow rules together with local Technical Engineer/Architect.

- Attending meeting with Customer related to the implementation of SA-CDR (output as NICD Release 3.0 CDR) together with local Technical Engineer/Architect.

- Complete all necessary documentation such as Requirement Specification, Test Plan, Site Folder, O&M together with local Technical Engineer/Architect.

- Onsite RFS / Live Cut-over support together with local Technical Engineer/Architect.

- Handover session to Care Team with full documentation done during the project together with local Technical Engineer/Architect

Needed Competencies:


Technician or B.Sc. in real estate or B.Sc. in business with real estate experience.


Background in real estate / civil engineering / surveying. Preferably 2+ years SA and permitting experience in telecommunication projects.

Understanding NSN project management concept; permitting, legal issues and contracts. Ability to draft lease agreement. Financial understanding, ability to compare rents/ways of payment.

Send your CV to : hrd@dutagriyasarana.com

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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Fw: [JobUGM] Assistant Manager Logistic at EAC Industrial Ingredients


-----Original Message-----
From: "mr_danar" <danar.listiawan@gmail.com>

Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 07:44:10
Subject: [JobUGM] Assistant Manager Logistic at EAC Industrial Ingredients

EAC Industrial Ingredients

We are a Multinational Chemical Distribution Company, with 7 Offices
across Indonesia, are looking for high calibre persons for the
following position:

Assistant Manager Logistic
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)


Male, with maximum age of 35 years old
A Diploma (D3) / Degree (S1) holder in Business Management or
Operations Management or Logistics Management
Having min 4 years experience in logistics/freight
forwarding/warehouse management
Profound knowledge in Export/Import procedures and Customs
Familiar with airport shipping procedures and regulation
Strong organizing, planning, communication & analytical thinking
Experience to develop procurement & logistic planning
Able to communicate in English both Oral and Written
Good Interpersonal and People Management skills
Computer Literate (Words, Excel and Power Point)
Able to work under pressure with minimum supervision

If you are confident that you can meet our requirement, please
forward your application with complete curriculum vitae and most
recent photograph to:

hrd@eac.co.id or putuameliansari@eacii.com



Transfer ke BCA Cab. UGM R/k 037 235 5296 a/n Dian Mentari.
Fax NAMA, ALAMAT KIRIM, BUKTI TRANSFER ke 0274-566171 atau via pos ke:
Perumahan Dosen UGM Bulaksumur B-21, Yogyakarta 55281.
Hub. Titi 0815 790 1926, atau Vera 0856 293 5807


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Fw: [JobUGM] Business Analyst at DHL


-----Original Message-----
From: "mr_danar" <danar.listiawan@gmail.com>

Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 07:42:52
Subject: [JobUGM] Business Analyst at DHL

PT Birotika Semesta (DHL)

DHL is the global market leader of the international express and
logistic industry. Through its international network linking more
than 220 countries and territories worldwide, DHL, as part of the
Deutsche Post World Net Group, is dedicated to offering customers
fast, reliable, responsive and cost-effective express delivery,
transport and logistics solutions.

DHL Express has been operating in Indonesia since 1973. Beginning in
1982, DHL's operations in Indonesia have been carried out by PT.
Birotika Semesta. Today, PT Birotika Semesta/DHL Express is the
largest air express company in Indonesia, with 90 outlets, 740
employees and is supported by a fleet of 300 vans equipped with
radio communications. DHL Express not only delivers documents,
packages and freight, but also provides value-added services to its
customers through a variety of logistic solutions.

DHL has expanded at a phenomenal rate and this continued growth
means that we are always looking for new people to embrace the DHL
culture. There is a great variety job opportunities at DHL, with
openings in all areas of our Express and Logistics businesses.

Currently we are looking for;

Business Analyst
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)


To establish regular measurement and reporting mechanisms for both
internal and external purposes, that accurately assess DHL's
performance toward agreed service standards.

Recommend/provide input to the Business Services Manager with regard
to program management and the necessary actions to ensure that DHL
is meeting its service commitments to Global and Advantage Customers
or corrective action as required.

Work with the Project Manager to conduct cost/benefit analysis to
identify issues, problems, opportunities and benefits of the

At an appropriate point, work with Country Global Account Managers
and Country Industrial Development Managers in gaining the necessary
information and understanding of business opportunities, such that
an appropriate solution can then be designed, costed and implemented.

Draft appropriate SOP's for all Global and Advantage Customers and
present to the Project Manager/Business Services Manager for
recommended implementation.

Other areas of responsibility as the Business Services Manager may
deem necessary.

Undertake appropriate market research in order to assist the Country
Industrial Development Managers with the identification and
conversion of new business opportunities within the Advantage
Customer and Network Buyer sectors.

Develop new/hybrid service and product solutions in order to meet
demands of customers managed by the Commercial Group following
endorsement by the Business Services Manager.

Report monthly on DHL's performance toward service standards for all
Global Multinational customers, together with recommended actions
for improvement.

Assist other staff in the region in identifying service improvements
and responding to their requests for performance measurement

University degree or Educated to tertiary level, preferably with a
degree in Business Management or a commercially orientated subject
(eg. MBA, Logistics etc)

Minimum 3 years relevant experience.

Previous experience gained with DHL in the Operations/Services
environment is preferred, however it is possible that the role may
suit a graduate trainee who has at least 1-2 years work experience.

Excellent understanding of Supply Chain Management, including
logistics practices, JIT, inventory control systems, ordering
systems, information technology etc.

Total dedication to and focus upon servicing and supporting both
internal and external customers is absolutely essential.

Computer literate (Excel, Word, Powerpoint,) with a good
understanding of information systems needs relating to the
courier/freight industry.

A positive and contributory attitude and strong team player.

Excellent communication in English (written and spoken)
comprehension and communication are essential.

Send your CV to



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