Dan lowongan yang pakai email gratisan bisa lihat di sini, lebih hati-hati mengirimkan CV-nya yah, ga tau seperti contoh SCAM di sini or bukan :(
Bekerja salah satu tujuannya adalah untuk beribadah, maka carilah tempat ibadah yang cukup baik :)
Karena batasan dari Blogger cuma 50 posting/hari, maka gw buat blog lanjutannya di sini.

Nov 21, 2008

Fw: [Indo-Job] Job Vacancy (Programmer)

From: "j.rafa3l" <j.rafa3l@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 15:44:25 -0000
To: <Indo-Job@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [Indo-Job] Job Vacancy (Programmer)

PT. Surfgold Indonesia

SurfGold is Asia's leading full service loyalty, relationship and
marketing consultancy. We develop, market and implement incentivebased
strategies and technologies to build loyalty and reward long-term
relationships. With proven best practices and expertise in different
sectors led by a strong team of more than 300 loyalty and incentive
specialists, we are thoroughly equipped to cater to all your loyalty,
relationship management, incentive programs and data analytics
requirements across Asia-Pacific region.

Software Engineer / Programmer
- Have agility, ability to work independently and as team player
- Have a good communication skill and problem solving skill
- Experience programming in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, ASP, JAVA
- Hardworking, responsible and enthusiasm for solving interesting problems

Please send your application letter, CV, Recent Photo, Certificates to :

PT SurfGold Indonesia
Gedung Sastra Graha Fl. 5, Suite 501
Jl. Raya Pejuangan No. 21, Kebon Jeruk
Jakarta 11530 -- INDONESIA

or email to hrd-ina@surfgold.com

Thank You.

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