Dan lowongan yang pakai email gratisan bisa lihat di sini, lebih hati-hati mengirimkan CV-nya yah, ga tau seperti contoh SCAM di sini or bukan :(
Bekerja salah satu tujuannya adalah untuk beribadah, maka carilah tempat ibadah yang cukup baik :)
Karena batasan dari Blogger cuma 50 posting/hari, maka gw buat blog lanjutannya di sini.

Apr 5, 2011

Fw: [Job-Vacancy] Lowongan : IT .NET PROGRAMMER

------Original Message------
From: Human Research
Sender: Job-Vacancy@yahoogroups.com
To: hrdataku@yahoo.com
ReplyTo: Job-Vacancy@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Job-Vacancy] Lowongan : IT .NET PROGRAMMER
Sent: Mar 29, 2011 11:44

Arthapati is currently inviting potential candidates who feel passionate and are highly desired in growing with our company through contributing your skills and experiences in these following challenging positions: SENIOR .NET PROGRAMMER
Detail Qualification: - S1 Information Technology
- Male/Female, age max 25 years. - Has experience min 3-4 years in the same field as .NET
- Familiar with database SQLServer, mySQL, Oracle - Self motivated and like to learn something new, particularly something that related to IT. - Well individually or in group, hardworking and enjoy to eager learn new skills. General Qualification : - Good ALGORITHM skills (for IT Position) - Good interpersonal skills, good initiative, proactive, and willing to help users, proactive. - Highly motivated and able to work in a team or independently and systematically - Hardworking and able to complete tasks in tight deadline - Applicant must be willing to work in Jakarta Note : - Placement : Jakarta – Indonesia Should you meet the above requirement, please send your application letter and complete CV
(certified, current photograph, including expected salary, and other document), and
write down the position code as an email subject to: HRD PT ARTHAPATI NUSANTARA email : info@arthapati.com; arthaworld@gmail.com; arthaworld@yahoo.com
__._,_.___ ----------------------------------------------- Special Event "HR Brotherhood" ~ Super BootCamp 5-6 Maret 2011, The Village, Ciawi Bogor http://diskusi-hrd.com/Training/HR-Brotherhood.htm -------------------------------- GREAT Supervisor - Effective Rules to Boosting the productivity http://diskusi-hrd.com/Training/GREAT_Supervisor.htm -------------------------------- Hadiri workshop !! "How to be Personnel Professional" Bagaimana Menjadi Personalia yg Profesional Hubungi : 08788-1000-100 atau email : Event@HRD-Forum.com web : www.HRD-Forum.com ----- Kunjungi Kumpulan Arsip Milis Job Vacancy di : http://portaljobvacancy.blogspot.com/ ----- Pasang iklan bisnis anda di : http://www.SentraBisnis.com/ -------