From: "SDM-Utama"
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 00:20:33 +0700
To: SDM-Utama<>
Subject: [SDM-Utama] Vacancy - National Sales Manager - Milkuat in Danone Dairy Indonesia
Our Client, Danone Dairy Indonesia, a multinational company operating in more than 120 countries worldwide with strong position in manufacturing and marketing quality food, dairy and beverage products. The Vision is to continuously improve the quality of Indonesian people's lives by providing value-added health benefits in delicious and affordable dairy-based food. To strengthening their brand of Milkuat business position and cope with their rapid growth, we are inviting a caliber professional talent to join their operation in Indonesia for the following position:
National Sales Manager - Milkuat (NSM M– DDI)
Job Purpose:
To bring to market for long term presence core business category(ies) in line with the Danone global mission; in order to maximize sales, profits, distribution and consumer opportunities through the effective management of all functions within the country organization
Main Responsibilities:
A. Sales Development and Operations
· Reports directly to Sales Director as part of his key senior team member
· Provide leadership to day to day operations of regional sales team, while maintaining focus on the execution of the company's strategic goals
· Coordinate sales operations with all distributors, sales team organization, and other divisions of the company
· Analyze sales statistics to determine business growth potential
· Seeks out and targets new customers, major potential clients, and new sales opportunities,
· Provide inputs of Sales demand planning (S&OP) to Sales Director to be reviewed with industrial team as well as advising marketing in regards with consumer's feedback, and new product development (NPD) plan
· Monitor and follow up A/R aging on a proactive basis with sales team, and coordinate with financial controller
B. Team Development
· Establish individual development plan (IDP) of direct reports, provide regular feedback, coaching and mentoring initiatives
· Strengthening Sales team capability through recruit talent, motivate, and advise training needs of sales team, and establish succession plan in sales function
C. Budget & Capital Management
· Maximize working capital position throughout financial period
· Establish efficient departmental budget and review with key sales team in regular basis
· Bachelor degree in a business related field
· Have a minimum 5 years experience in Sales Management i.e. Regional Sales Manager, National Sales Manager in Fast Moving Consumer Goods company
· Have excellent local network and connection with both local and international organization
· Have experience in managing multi structural sales functions in international organization
· Proven leadership ability to influence, develop, and empower teams to achieve objectives with the team approach
· Have an excellent knowledge and understanding of traditional market in Indonesia
· Have an excellent English communication skill and computer literate
Interested candidates are requested to send in their complete CV as an attachment in MS Word format only in English with current & expected salary and recent photograph via email to : cons-goods@sintesa-
Please put the position applied NSM M - DDI on the subject line. Only short listed candidates will be notified.
If you wish to view our client vacancy, kindly join our mailing list & visit our website at www.sintesa-
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