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From: talentpool indonesia <talentpoolindonesia@yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 00:47:20
To:bestjobs <bestjobs@yahoogroups.com>, bisnis-karir@yahoogroups.com, bursakarir@yahoogroups.com, duniakerja <duniakerja@yahoogroups.com>, indojob <indojob@yahoogroups.com>, indonesia_headhunter <indonesia_headhunter@yahoogroups.com>, infokerja <infokerja@egroups.com>, infokerja <infokerja@yahoogroups.com>, job-vacancy@yahoogroups.com, karir <karir@yahoogroups.com>, kerir-pekerjaan@yahoogroups.com, kesempatan-kerja@yahoogroups.com, lowongan-kerja <lowongan-kerja@yahoogroups.com>, lowongan-salesmarketing@yahoogroups.com, marketing-forum <marketing-forum@yahoogroups.com>, vacancy@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [ IndoJOB.co.id ] >> Sales Professionals Needed!!!
Dear All,
Talentpool Indonesia is a human capital solution provider focusing in the services of executive search and Human Resource consulting firm in Jakarta.
Our client is one the global market leader in international express, overland transport and air freight. Also the world's number 1 in ocean freight and contract logistics which provide a full range of customized solutions from express document shipping to supply chain management.
In line with company's growth ambition, is currently looking for qualified young talented candidates to fill following position;
(code SMR)
This position will report to National Sales Manager. The incumbent have overall role purpose to manage and grow the regular sales segment through the management of competencies and activities of a sales force group and established segment sales strategy.
The Requirements of this position are shown below:
* Both male / female
* Graduate from respected / reputable university with min S1 / S2
* Min 8 years experience in Field Sales executive / management
* Min 3 years experience in a similar capacity and preferably in a mid size organization of a related industry
* Good leadership, result orientation, communication skill, team work, good networking, initiative and foresight skill
* Good proficiency in spoken and written English
* Good proficiency in Microsoft Excel, Word and Power Points
* Has software skills in sales forecasting
They offer an attractive remuneration and competitive compensation and benefits package to the right candidate. You are invited to send your application with a comprehensive resume, photocopies of certificates, details of present and expected salary, contact telephone number together with a passport sized photograph, position title of position must be written on the email subject to the following email:
career <mailto:resume@talentpool-indonesia.com> @talentpool-indonesia.com
Talentpool Indonesia
Reliable Partner for Human Capital Solution
Outsourcing | Executive Search | Consultancy
email: <mailto:%20career@talentpool-indonesia.com> career@talentpool-indonesia.com
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Ayo gabung sebagai jaringan teman Farizal F. Kamal (moderator milis IndoJOB & Paruh-Waktu).
KLIK >> http://www.yuwie.com/yuwie.asp?r=63308 <http://www.yuwie.com/yuwie.asp?r=63308>
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